10月后招同游,妹子汉子都行。南京,去新西兰或美国 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
7.2 广州helpx分享会 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
http://mp.weixin.qq. com/s?__biz=MzA5MjY1 ODYyMw==&mid=264 9498807&idx=1&am p;sn=a455b269c934a85 cf57406e3ffd40631&am p;scene=1&srcid= 0623rtrA73YkHf7zokGj OM0S&from=groupm essage&isappinst alled=0#wechat_redir ect
找不到host啊~难道是因为这个? (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
然后其中一个host 这样回复我
Dear XXX, Thank you for writing back to ask some questions. That is very brave. We have has many international helpers and also in the past had helpers who have been from China. Each time the helpers from Chine found it difficult to help. They felt that they had to work too much and too hard. They were unhappy with the food. They ate food all day and drank 4 litres of cows milk each day - warmed in a bowl. All the helpers we had did not get out of bed before late morning and lunchtime and were upset with us for waking them up. It was very stressful for us and them because we had to ask them to do everything we needed - they did not make decisions about what needed to be done. When they were working, if we walked away to do something else they would stop and go and drink milk or play on their phones. At first we thought maybe they did not understand enough English and they were saying to us that knew what we wanted them to do but then they would not do it. They often said that we worked too hard in our own jobs. For Australians, we work very normal hours and when we do work and jobs around our home we can do it in our spare time. One couple who stayed with us from China were painting a gate and painted all the wrong colours and then have left paint all over the bricks and concrete and we cannot clean it off. They were university students and from families with professional jobs - but they did not care about our home.
24 Jun 2016, 12:19:00 p.m.
We have had that experience a number of times. Other hosts told us that they had similar experiences but we did not believe them. I will be honest to say that Rex and I agreed that we would not go through these problems again. I respect that you have asked us what our problems with our helpers have been. The work we need to do is going to be hard work outside. You may get cold and dirty. We need to paint more things and also we need extend the encolsure for our chickens. We also need to lift up the pavers we walk on and get a hammer drill to cut back the tree roots under the pavers. Is that they kind of work you think you can do? We treat our helpers like they are our family. We do not want to feel worried that helpers can't do the work or that they are unhappy. What do you think of what we have said? Is this something you would like to try being here? Do you think you would do those jobs? Most importantly, do you think you would be happy here?
然后其中一个host 这样回复我
Dear XXX, Thank you for writing back to ask some questions. That is very brave. We have has many international helpers and also in the past had helpers who have been from China. Each time the helpers from Chine found it difficult to help. They felt that they had to work too much and too hard. They were unhappy with the food. They ate food all day and drank 4 litres of cows milk each day - warmed in a bowl. All the helpers we had did not get out of bed before late morning and lunchtime and were upset with us for waking them up. It was very stressful for us and them because we had to ask them to do everything we needed - they did not make decisions about what needed to be done. When they were working, if we walked away to do something else they would stop and go and drink milk or play on their phones. At first we thought maybe they did not understand enough English and they were saying to us that knew what we wanted them to do but then they would not do it. They often said that we worked too hard in our own jobs. For Australians, we work very normal hours and when we do work and jobs around our home we can do it in our spare time. One couple who stayed with us from China were painting a gate and painted all the wrong colours and then have left paint all over the bricks and concrete and we cannot clean it off. They were university students and from families with professional jobs - but they did not care about our home.
24 Jun 2016, 12:19:00 p.m.
We have had that experience a number of times. Other hosts told us that they had similar experiences but we did not believe them. I will be honest to say that Rex and I agreed that we would not go through these problems again. I respect that you have asked us what our problems with our helpers have been. The work we need to do is going to be hard work outside. You may get cold and dirty. We need to paint more things and also we need extend the encolsure for our chickens. We also need to lift up the pavers we walk on and get a hammer drill to cut back the tree roots under the pavers. Is that they kind of work you think you can do? We treat our helpers like they are our family. We do not want to feel worried that helpers can't do the work or that they are unhappy. What do you think of what we have said? Is this something you would like to try being here? Do you think you would do those jobs? Most importantly, do you think you would be happy here?
明年初西班牙或者其他南美国家。。 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
稻城亚丁摄影攻略 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
求同在伦敦地区的伙伴带上我 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
因为同行的人放了我飞机,谁在伦敦边上找到host的,可以带上我吗 真的真的很着急 万分感谢
有没有去新西兰的?7月 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
转让Helpx升级帐号两年 才用了3个月,转让价100元 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
如题 有意向的微信联系Natalie_Xiuxiu
【征同伴】7月20日韩国首尔,女生一人,host已联系 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
我在helpx网站上联系好了host,Bong house,一家青年旅馆,韩国首尔,成均馆大学旁边。往返机票都已买好,7月20日飞,8月10回。求一人同行,男女不限,关键是有责任心,很独立。坐标成都,UESTC,下学期大二,妹纸一枚。有意者留言~ QQ:826586125
转让HelpX账号,四月中旬申请的 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
今年4月升的高级会员但以后可能用不上了,申的时候180好像,现140转让,升级到现在只过了两个多月,有想升高级会员还没升的请帮个忙呀 w
17寒假加拿大 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
新西兰签证求助!!!! (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
主要问题是 没有存款啊啊啊啊啊啊
旅居创作作品 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
比别人快50%学会PS (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
超级音乐包,搞活动,剪视频,做PPT的配乐神器 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
澳洲helpx 7月22机票 已联系host两家 有伴同行吗? (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
7月22去悉尼的机票~ 联系好了两个host,一个在Newcastle 一个在 port macquarie。
联系方式 qq 524081556
联系方式 qq 524081556
求helpX账号 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
斯里兰卡,有一起的么,8月底,9月初均可 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
有八月11-13号在悉尼的吗 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)
PPT和设计好帮手--AI素材包 (豆瓣 HelpX小组)